Plastic Free North Devon
I created environmental educational schemes of work for KS2, KS3 and KS4. Each scheme of work consisted of 6 lesson plans, interactive whiteboard presentations, differentiated activities and assessment areas.
Blundell's Senior School
Since May 2022, I have been working with Blundell’s Senior School on their Community Partnership program. For this, I have developed and run nature therapy workshops in their school garden for local schools visiting Blundell’s.
North Devon AONB
During the Autumn 2022 term, as part of the SDF fund, I led 2 x environmental educational teacher training days for different primary and secondary schools in Torridge. The staff received a teaching resource pack filled with risk assessments, activities, maps and resources for their schools.
Prospect House
In January 2023, I ran workshops for Year 1 - 6 at Prospect House as part of their Sustainability week. This included:
microplastics; impact of pollution on local London wildlife; clothing and fast fashion; food waste; climate change and sharks and how big is your carbon footprint?
Liskeard School and Community College
Green Careers workshops for Liskeard College to develop their knowledge of getting into green careers and leading interactive activities for the students to engage with.
I am the Education Consultant for Moonbug’s Lellobee City Farm which involves regular script and premise reviews to check for education content, age-appropriate language and learning and to give feedback and support to Moonbug’s script staff.
Helston Community College
Green Careers workshops with Cornwall County Council. Interactive workshops for 150 Year 10 students to enhance and develop their knowledge of different types of green careers as well as focusing on the benefits of nature as a tool to support mental health.